-Do you picture the blogger, the person sitting behind the computer, writing this very post? Do you picture the person listening to audio books and podcasts while driving from place to place? And what do you picture them listening to? Podcasts on dog training and behavior? When do they work? What does their day to day schedule look like? When do they hang out with their family, go on vacations, are they physically and mentally present? What does their desk look like? Heck, what does the inside of their car look like? What kind of car do they drive? What do they do for fun? What kind of dogs or other pets do they have and how well behaved are those dogs?
What kind of schooling or education have they had? Is this their first career? Are they full-time, part-time? How financially successful are they? What are their other skills? Are they introverts, extroverts? Do they like people or just dogs? This is Part 1 of a 2-part blog. Take a minute and using the above questions, summarize what you picture when you think of a dog trainer. Comment below!
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