As we round out 2020 and head into a new year, there are 5 important messages that I need every dog mom out there to hear from me.
The guilt and shame in dog raising is very real and as I've been doing more coaching and less training, I have found that there are several things that keep coming to the surface. I want to clear the air and tell you what they are, right here and now
11/6/2020 0 Comments An Evening Management WinYou know how you get to the end of the day and you just want to put your feet up?
Maybe even enjoy a glass of wine. Drown in a little tv...but as soon as you sit down, your dog is ready to go...
Yup, me too. Willow is notorious for it. The picture above doesn't happen until long after I'm ready for it. Willow's trigger for needing to go outside and pacing or needing to bring me a toy or needing needing me sitting down. You know what? I have kids. I'm virtually schooling. I'm creating content, answering emails, taking videos, posting on social media, keeping the house somewhat tidy, feeding everyone, throwing the ball, doing the dishes, doing the laundry... must I go on? So at the end of the day, I like to put my feet up - watch a little TV and maybe enjoy a glass of wine. Do I want to play with Willow at that point? No, not so much. Do I want to cuddle with her? Sure. But she's not ready for that. She hasn't settled. So we started a routine. I shared it on Facebook a couple of nights ago and it was appreciated by many so I thought I would share it here too! |