I started my business in 2008 but what I do now looks very different from what I did back then. Now, I have two kids, ages 6 and 8, and since having them I moved from teaching group classes (in the evenings and on weekends) to focusing on one-on-one training. Prior to the Pandemic, I would travel from home to home while they were in school. I would work directly with clients and I had also developed a program where I could do much of the training with the dog while people were at work.
9/4/2020 0 Comments The perfect dog
You know those days when your dog responds as soon as you call him, lays on his bed while you eat a meal, joins you on a leisurely walk around the neighborhood, hangs out in the sunshine while the kids run around the yard, lays at your feet when you work, and cuddles up with you on the couch at the end of the day?
Virtually raise your hand if you often have those days!
![]() ...Cue the crickets...
Yea, me either. No, really. And here's why.
Training your dog isn't about hitting a button and getting an auto-response. Training your dog is about teaching. It's about teaching them your expectations, teaching them to trust, teaching them how to respond to a cue, teaching them how to play appropriately, teaching them how to take some down time, teaching them how to handle their emotions.
One of the questions I hear most often is ...
My dog knows how to BLANK (insert the important skill) so why doesn't he listen? Why does he keep ignoring me? Do I have to use treats forever to get him to do what I want?