FINDING A TRAINER & COACH FOR YOUR FAMILY AND DOG: A Round-Up of Tips from your fellow dog-loving community
Searching for the perfect trainer and coach for your dog can be a daunting task. But, by looking out for specific red flags and green flags on their website and social media, as well as in your communication with them, you can find a trainer that you and your family can feel good about. This guide about how to find a good trainer aims to provide you with a round-up of tips from professionals and your fellow dog moms and dads.
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10/11/2023 0 Comments Heading down the Vet Prep PathPreparing your nervous pet for a visit to the vet can be a daunting and overwhelming task.
Sometimes it feels like an all or nothing situation. "Well, if my dog is never going to love the Vet, we should just get it over with".
With a bit of understanding and some home-taught skills, you can make the next Vet visit a little happier. You'll turn this potentially stressful situation into a smoother and more comfortable experience for both you and your pup. Here is a overview to help you understand how I recommend navigating down the Vet Prep Path. 7/24/2023 0 Comments Foundations of Better BehaviorStruggling with your dog's behavior?![]()
I'm going to share my 5 Relationship-Focused Building Blocks to Better Behavior with you to help you figure out where you might be getting stuck and how to re-establish your foundation.
When it comes to training and behavior change in your living, breathing, 4 legged family member, there can be a lot of behavior problems that come into play. Whether you're dealing with fear of people, leash reactivity, fear of new places, separation anxiety, poor manners, barking, biting, noise phobia, fear of the vet, or are starting with a new puppy or dog... your relationship with your dog and with the behavior process is where it all begins. All behavior needs a solid foundation, built in trust, safety, and agency. Easy-Peasy enrichment activities you can do with your dog at home, with supplies you probably already have on hand.Just in case you've ever felt stuck in a rut when trying to think of quick and easy enrichment activities for your dog, I have put together 10 of my favorites in one video for you.
Remember, enrichment should never be optional for our companions. It's a necessity for their well-being and mental health, just as it is for ours... But that doesn't mean it has to be hard or just another thing to "add to the list" of all the other things you have on your task list. 3 Stages of Success for Exercising your DogDoes your dog leave the house wired for a walk? Or maybe when he comes home, he's a little extra revved up and struggles to regulate his emotions? He might run the zoomies immediately AFTER he gets home. He might get mouthy, picking on you or his housemates, get destructive with toys or beds, jump and attention seek like crazy? You are not alone!
6/9/2022 0 Comments WTF!?WTF, pup?That's right. This is something I think often when it comes to dog behavior and dog training. But what do I mean? Why am I thinking this way?
Punishment Based Training - Is it worth the risk?There are many reasons why I choose positive training methods.
In my opinion, there is far too much risk associated with punishment-based/coercive/aversive methods. I am not here to judge choices. I am here to teach. To learn. To grow. And to follow my own personal principles. Look, punishment based methods wouldn't be around if they didn't work. When they do work, there is a lot of reinforcement for the one who applied it, so they stick. The animal listened and isn't that the ultimate goal? Maybe I am here today to tell you about the risks that I often see around training methods that include physical corrections, alpha rolls, verbal corrections, prong collar corrections, coercion, and the like. 3/2/2022 0 Comments The Power of Trick TrainingImproved attention, a better relationship, and a bigger vocabulary for your dog.
What other type of training can do all that? 11/23/2021 0 Comments Turkey Day Tips for you and your dogHere are some quick tips to help you and your pup successfully get through ThanksgivingHere is a round-up of Turkey Day Tips for last-minute situations |